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This month we wrote about our experiences with menopause. I'm so proud of this series.

During lockdown, I took Bodysex virtual and worked with 400 women in 40 countries. These are my findings crunched by the Kinsey Institute.

It was a beautiful weekend. I didn’t realize how much I missed Bodysex.

I was 18 years old in my first year of college when I got pregnant.

Laura and I turned on the mics and decided to share our journeys.

Each one of these posts echos my own experience as a woman.
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Step by Step instructions for using your barbell.

Betty's uses this technique in her private practice and we teach it in our Bodysex workshops.

Porn is addictive for the developing teen mind.

No two clitoral hoods look the same. Ultimately, your clitoral hood is the male equivalent of foreskin.

We can heal our pain...together.
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Post-Abuse My Vagina is Chronically Tight & Dry

All women need to learn how to "run the fuck" and control penetration.
First Time Orgasm

All women can orgasm with the right kind of clitoral stimulation. Practice these steps and enjoy multiple orgasms.
Bodysex is Individual Sex with One

No two equal people: everyone has their fears, their gifts and their expectations.
Thank You for Promoting the Fleshlight

Thank you for sharing your success story with using the Fleshlight sex toy to help your partner get beyond the fast friction hand-job.
Sexual Liberation Allowed Me to Realize I Was Gay

I think our sexual preferences are more fluid than we realize.
Can the Pill Cause a Loss in Orgasms?

I have heard and read about women convinced their sex drives had been lowered as a result of taking the pill.
Do You Believe the Female Sex Drive Exceeds the Male Sex Drive?

Female sexual capabilities far exceed that of the male.
I Want to Become a More Sexual Woman

I sounds like five years of monogamy have dampened your desire and getting married sealed your fate.
I Find Myself Repressing My Desire to be Sexual Because It's Not Proper

So go ahead and give yourself permission to have protected sex with as many men as you like.
Do I Need a Degree to Do Hands-On Sex Coaching?

You don't need a certificate or degree to help a person better understand their body and their sexuality.