I Like Having My Cervix Hit During high arousal, your uterus lifts and there is a "deep spot" near your cervix that is quite pleasurable.
How Can I Get Myself Turned On Enough to Stay Wet? When we aren't wet due to nerves or whatever, always use some kind of organic massage oil for all manual touching of genitals.
Our Favorite Lubricants Our ultimate preference for genitals is organic oil - almond, apricot, jojoba or coconut.
Worried About How I Smell Between My Legs As long as you are young, healthy and clean you need not worry about how you smell or taste.
My Vaginal Opening Is Covered By Flaps of Skin Nearly all vaginal entrances are small and/or partially hidden.
Is It Normal To Have Abdominal Pain After Sex & Bleed After Fingering? Having abdominal pains before or after intercourse is NOT normal.
Do All Women's Vaginas Pulse During Orgasm? Not all women's vaginas pulsate as obviously as your wife's does. It's a question of degree.