Husband Would Rather Masturbate Than Have Sex with Me To be with you and ignore you for that length of time is just plain BAD manners.
I Want to Make Love Not Feel Like I'm in a Porn Movie Always begin your conversation with a compliment before you discuss your desire for more kissing and affectionate touch.
When Safety & Relaxation are Present, Sexual Arousal has a Greater Chance of Taking Hold When we are anxious, and concerned about our well being, sexual arousal is quiet.
How Do I Support His Desires & Maintain My Boundaries? This is my constant complaint about young men using porn as their primary source of sex information. It doesn't honor us.
Pietro Aretino: The Originator of Euro-porn Pietro Aretino combined a series of very raw and explicit sonnets with 16 very explicit engravings of couples locked in various modes of acrobatic sex.
Shunga — Japan’s Art of Love The arrival of the American, Commodore Perry, in 1858 was the beginning of the end for this genre of Shunga.
Masturbation is the Continual Journey of Self Exploration, Self Esteem & Pure Pleasure Hiding masturbation activities may be a simple as not having the skills and abilities to communicate our own personal needs and desires openly.
Classical Romping in Renaissance Art During the Renaissance, there was an increased demand for erotic art.