
I Don't Think I Have a G-Spot

Profile picture for user Betty Dodson

Betty Dodson

Hi Betty.

I am 17 years old and my boyfriend is 22. I have only ever had orgasms from the clitoris and never from the g-spot. I really want to be able to have one and know what it feels like. My boyfriend says he has been able to give them to all his other sexual partners but just not me. Is there something wrong?

Thank you

Dear J,

Here we go again with more G spot hype. Add to that some unsuspecting young (or older) man who believes that all of our faked orgasms are the REAL thing. Even it were true why on earth would he say such a thing to a young girl just embracing her sexuality? Oh, the ego of some men!

Your clitoris is a woman's primary sex organ for pleasure. G spot stimulation does not work for all women. Some love it and others like myself get no response from a finger rapidly strumming on my vaginal ceiling. As far as I'm concerned, they are simply indirectly agitating the bladder to empty fresh urine with a little prostatic fluid mixed in. We have a urethral sponge that surrounds our urinary tract. It has been shown that women have prostate-like cells inside this sponge with erectile tissue once it fills up with blood. And yes, some women do respond to this area being stimulated by a finger or sex toy, but not all of us.

For any woman wanting to learn this type of response, Google Debra Sundhal who teaches this with books, dvd's and workshops. Otherwise, tell your young man you prefer to develop your clitoral orgasms.

Dr. Betty

Sorry Betty, I also forgot to mention that I have been masturbating since I was quite young. Could it be that I have kind of trained myself to only have clitoral orgasms?

When my boyfriend tries to give me a g-spot orgasm, it feels really good but I just can't seem to climax.

Thankyou very much,

Dear J,

Just sent off my response to your question. We should all train ourselves to have clitoral orgasms. They are the best and the most reliable. How about standing your ground by showing him my answer to your first question. Men are obsessed with getting inside the vagina to make us squirt. It's not the same or as good as a combination orgasm which is clitoral stimulation with some kind of vaginal penetration.

Dr. Betty