
Lubricant is the #1 Sex Toy

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Carlin Ross

We've been getting a ton of sex questions on lubricant. Recently, I had a twitter exchange with a friend who never thought of including lubricant in his masturbation practice...suffice it to say he's been thanking me ever since.

"Never touch a clitoris with a dry hand" - this was the first thing Betty told me when we sat down to map out topics for our youtube series (this goes for penises too). Yes, lubricant is the #1 sex toy but I don't think most people realize it because it's so basic.

All genitals feel more sensation when they're lubed up. When you get a massage, do they rub your skin with a dry hand or do they use massage oil? Why would it be different for your genitals? Lubricant is a must have for your masturbation practice AND partner sex.

Now what to buy.

I would avoid most drug store lubricants especially Astroglide. Read the label. If they contain glycerin, don't buy it. Glycerin is a sugar. Sugar and pussies don't mix - sugar and foreskins don't mix either. You'll end up with a nasty yeast infection and, yes, men can get yeast infections too. I had a lover who used some glycerin lube and developed red patches on his penis (a yeast infection). Standing in his bathroom flashlight in hand - me on my knees surveying said red patches - he accused me of giving him syphilis. He had a garden variety yeast infection.   It was the last time I was on my knees for him.

Why water-based lubricants?

If you're practicing safe sex, opt for a water-based lubricant. Any sort of oil-based lubricant will compromise your condom. Same goes for sex toys. If you're using an expensive latex or silicone dildo/butt plug, oil-based lubes will fuck up your toys. Use a water-based lubricant or use a condom on your toy if you love the feel of oil.

Our favorite water-based lubricant:

Sliquid Organics Silk Lubricant - It's creamy, silky and certified organic (no glycerin, petroleum or parabens). You can use it safely with latex condoms, rubber toys, and plastics.  And it has green tea, hibiscus, flax and sunflower seed extracts. It smells and tastes really good.

If you like that whole warming sensation thing, then you can pick up Sliquid Organics Warming Luricant. It's just like the KY product with none of the chemicals.

There are other water-based lubricants on the market but most contain parabens and all sorts of crazy chemicals. Respect your body and go organic.

Why oil-based lubricants?  There's nothing like the feeling of oil on your genitals.  If I was on a deserted island and had to choose one sex toy, it would be an oil-based lubricant.  Even if you're practicing safe sex you can use an oil-based lubricant for vulva massages and hand jobs.

Our favorite oil-based lubricant:

Almond oil - this is Betty's favorite lubricant. You can pick it up in any health food store like GNC. This is what I have on my nightstand (even have a travel size).  It's 100% organic and you can use it as a moisturizer.

Coconut Oil - our male users seem to prefer coconut oil. Maybe because it's a bit thicker and better for your masturbation practice. Again, you can pick this up in any health food store like GNC or even the supermarket.

Why silicone lubricants?

Some people like silicone lubricants. What's good about silicone is that it doesn't break down with water so you can use it in the bathtub or the pool. And it lasts a really long time.  You almost never need to reapply.  Just don't get it on your sheets or you'll have to throw them out. It won't come out in the wash.

Again, for me it has too many chemicals and it will take several days for your vagina to discharge all the silicone lubricant. But I know some women who love it.

Our favorite silicone lubricant:

Gun Oil - you can use it for vaginal, anal, or masturbation. I like that it has Vitamin E and aloe vera in it.

Some final lube pointers:

If you're having partner sex, it's lube to lube. Lube up your genitals and your partners genitals.

The water-based lubricants, almond oil, and coconut oil won't ruin your sheets. It totally washes out.

Both men and women should use lubricant in their masturbation practice. And it's a must for partner sex.  I carry my own lubricant because I never want to be without it.

And if you're having trouble maintaining your erection or ejaculating I would suggest picking up a fleshlight to simulate partner sex (and lube up your fleshlight). Their are several orifice options to choose from: vagina, butt, or mouth.

Using lubricant in our masturbation practice and during partner sex is about increasing sensation. Saliva just doesn't cut it. And just because a pussy isn't wet doesn't mean she isn't excited. Don't take it personally. We can be very turned on and need additional lubrication.

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