
Can You Have Too Much Sex?

Profile picture for user Betty Dodson

Betty Dodson

Dear Betty,

I am concerned about my behavior. Simply because I don't know any other women like me. I don't want to get married, I don't want children, and I love sex but maybe a little too much if that is possible. Almost every one of my relationships, no matter how long (the longest being 2 years), I have cheated at some point. I don't feel bad about it at all. I usually warn guys that, the first time they say no to me, I will be looking else where. I am very demanding of men. When I want sex, I better get it. It's so terrible but I tend to treat them like human dildos. I masturbate every day even when I'm in a relationship. Guys always say they can keep up with me but they never can, so I cheat.

There are times when my sex drive has been so high that I have been sleeping with two different guys and a girl and still don't feel like my needs are being met. None of them knew about the others. A little over a year ago, I stopped having sex because no amount of partners could quench my thirst. So, now I just masturbate all the time. One orgasm has never been enough which is scary because I am extremely orgasmic and use my hand, Hitachi magic wand, and my other numerous toys and it is like I never want the orgasms to stop. I am ready to start having sex with others again but I know I won't be faithful. I have been acting this way since high school and that was over 10 years ago and many partners later.


Dear J,

You might just have a big appetite for sex and in a puritanical society like ours, you will definitely seem out of step with the standard ideal of all women ending up in a monogamous marriage with children. There are women who chose not to marry and have children. I'm one. I did get married at 29 due to the enormous pressure to do so back then. But today, we now other choices. I'm going to assume you are in your late twenties.

You have every right to enjoy your body, have an abundance of partners and all the orgasms you want as long as you play safe, stay healthy and your sexual activity doesn't interfere with the rest of you life. If you feel out of control and can't hold down a job, then maybe it's time to seek counseling. Otherwise given your sexual appetite, if I were you, I'd consider a career in the Adult Industry making sex films, start an online webcam or keep a diary and be a writer of sexy fiction.


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