Our Menopause Blogs

Womanhood in a Broken System
“At this point, if you’re having this many issues, it’s not the birth control, it’s you. You should think about seeing a psychiatrist.”

Is It Hot in Here or Is It Just Me?
“it wasn’t until I started routine vaginal estrogen, vulva massages, self penetration with lots of lube that my genital-urinary symptoms resolved and no longer needed oxybutynin.”

“Where I’ve landed for myself is that the heavy bleeding was caused by whatever underlying imbalance was already present before I technically entered perimenopause..."

This Is How I’m Going to do Menopause
“All of my symptoms were in my body and I knew that there was a physical treatment. I dug deep and kept going."

My Menopause Story
“Compounded hormone therapy seems taboo among many healthcare professionals because it’s not FDA approved. Yet, that is the approach that works best for me.”
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