
My Religion Conflicts With My Fantasies

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Betty Dodson

Dear Betty,

I am pretty confused in my role as a spiritual person! I believe in our God the almighty and I am finding myself thinking that sex is no good and it is dirty. I am in all honesty beginning to hate women in general. My sex drive has slumped dramatically and I very seldom even touch myself anymore. When I find myself thinking naughty thoughts I quickly re-focus to take my mind off sex. The problem is when I do let myself enjoy these thoughts they are always of family members (cousin & nieces 16 & 21) When I do stroke myself it is normally one of them I a thinking about!!

Please help, I am very confused and depressed.


You must realize that I am a harsh critic of organized religions for exactly the reason you speak about. If your almighty God wanted you to abstain from sexual activity why did He make it feel so good in the first place? My only suggestion would be to reconsider what this omnipotent God of yours really intended and reconsider your position. It's no wonder you're hating women and thinking sex is dirty. Whatever religion you follow is controlling you through guilt instead of setting you free to be a loving/sexual person to yourself and others. 

My only suggestion is to define your own morality and stop being manipulated by an outmoded philosophy called "religion" which has become one of the darkest forces on the planet. Reclaim your sexuality and see your body as the temple of your soul. Thinking about a family member during masturbation is harmless but the guilt your are feeling is devastating. Think for yourself and set yourself free.

Dr. Betty

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