
Every Sexual Experience is Centered on the Male Model of Sexual Response

Profile picture for user Betty Dodson

Betty Dodson

Dear B + C,

I really needed to send this email, as Betty's voice has been haunting my sexual experiences the last couple weeks :)

Betty, I have taken your advice to heart, and have been seeking out more intention sexual experiences and partners, and I have been learning a lot- about others and more importantly, myself....

But what keeps coming up for me in almost EVERY experience, even with woman... is the idea of this whole approach being centered around the Male Sexual Response model!!!! I see it so clearly now.

Understanding this is probably a large answer, I still must answer the question...

How do we educate people otherwise?

How can I come to more deeply understand the Female Sexual Response so that I can share it?


with love,

Dear A,

The first step in changing anything is awareness. Now that you SEE this pattern you can share your awareness with everyone who will listen. Some folks will argue, others will deny and a few will "get it!" From person to person this information will eventually circle the globe.

Every time we masturbate to orgasm or have an orgasm with a partner that is the result of some kind of direct or indirect clitoral stimulation we are demonstrating the Female Model of Sexual Response. Just keep sharing the good news!

Dr. Betty

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