When Women are Disconnected from Themselves They have Disconnected Partner Sex It is time to redirect the focus on cultivating our sexual relationship with ourselves.
I Should Feel Guilty For Wanting More… To see and to believe in your own beauty. To feel confident and sexy. To feel desired and desirous. This is the gift Betty Dodson has given me.
Do You Consider Sexual Satisfaction & Sexual Pleasure to be Different Constructs, & Why? For me, there's a HUGE difference between "satisfaction" and "pleasure."
We Understand Very Little of What is ‘Normal’ for Women When It Comes to Sexuality Every woman with an intact clitoris can orgasm. We create sexual desire by arousing our genitals.
Sexual Fantasy is as Important as Genital Stimulation We have to engage our minds to reach the heights of pleasure. There's no thought police so allow yourself to go there.
Will Antidepressants Stop Me From Ever Achieving Orgasm? I no longer use the word "anorgasmia" as it's just too clinical and cruel. I much prefer the term preorgasmic.
I Can Only Get Aroused if I'm High Marijuana slows down our brain waves and enables us to connect to pleasure.
Medicalizing Female Sexual Dysfunction Under the Feminist Banner A pill will never solve the absence of sex information and education.